Tales of Love
Tales of Love

Tales of Love

Sun 24 Mar 2:45 PM

Clunes Town Hall
Accessible Toilet
General Admission
60 Mins
Sun 24 Mar

Love may sometimes conquer all - but often it just hurts. Steph Vizard, Carrie Tiffany and Lillian Lumley reflect on how they’ve chosen to represent intimate human relations with Alicia Thompson in the chair.

Steph Vizard is a writer and a lawyer. After studying literature at Oxford University, she worked in publishing in London. Her debut romantic comedy, The Love Contract, won the 2022 HarperCollins Banjo Prize. She is a connoisseur of salt and vinegar chips and lives with her family in Melbourne.

Carrie Tiffany was born in West Yorkshire and grew up in WA. She spent her early twenties working as a park ranger in Central Australia and now lives and works in Melbourne. Her novels, Everyman’s Rules for Scientific Living, Mateship with Birds and Exploded View, have been widely acclaimed.

Lillian Lumley is a Melbourne-based research scientist,. She studied at the Free University Berlin and at the University of Melbourne. Her first novel was inspired by the weird and wonderful dating stories she'd heard from friends and strangers. Lillian loves travelling, sport, her friends and family and of course reading and writing.

Alicia Thompson is a published author of novels and short stories with a Masters in Creative Writing. Her debut novel Something Else was released by NineStar Press in October 2021 and her second, Ex, will be forthcoming in September 2024.
Sun 24 Mar

Clunes Town Hall

98 Bailey Street Clunes, Victoria, 3370