Imaginary Worlds

Imaginary Worlds

Sun 24 Mar 11:30 AM

Clunes Town Hall
Accessible Toilet
General Admission
60 Mins
Sun 24 Mar

What are the threads that connect fantastical universes to our own? Michael Earp, Jade Andrews and Astrid Scholte discuss what truths emerge when writers take invention to its limits. With Jacinta Parsons modulating.

Michael Earp is a non-binary writer and bookseller living in Naarm. They are the editor of Everything Under the Moon: Fairy tales in a queerer light and Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories. Their writing has also appeared in Archer, The Age, PopMatters, The Victorian Writer and Aurealis.

Jade Andrews' research focused on the societal influence on young adult, fantasy and romance genre classification. Fascination with Greek mythology prompted her to write The Pantheon Collection but exploring family and relationship dynamics within the world of magic and immortality was the more significant factor shaping her debut fantasy novel.

Astrid Scholte has written Four Dead Queens, The Vanishing Deep and League of Liars. When she's not writing, she works in film and animation production. Career highlights include working on James Cameron's Avatar, Disney's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. She currently works at Industrial Light & Magic on the latest blockbuster.

Jacinta Parsons is a broadcaster, writer, and public speaker co-hosting The Friday Revue with Brian Nankervis on ABC Melbourne delivering Melbourne exactly what they didn't know they needed. She has written two books, Unseen (2020) and A Question of Age (2022) and is writing a third, A Wisdom of Age.
Sun 24 Mar

Clunes Town Hall

98 Bailey Street Clunes, Victoria, 3370